Today we visited the classroom of Ms. Stacy Gingras, teacher at Nashua High North – the subject “Today’s Marketing.”
This marketing class is a mix of those who are considering Marketing as a career and those that have other plans. Either way, Marketing is a part of everyone’s life, every day.
We started with a game of “guess whose logo this is” and “guess whose tagline this is.” This included Mr. Clean, Nike, Pillsbury Dough Boy, Monster, Mustang, BMW, Bruins, “The Titans” school logo. We were surprised (but perhaps shouldn’t be) that this class got all of them correct. It just goes to show how tuned in this age group is to big brand marketing.
From there, we illustrated some of the challenges and opportunities that smaller companies have to go to Market. If you don’t have a staff of people and big budgets, it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. You just have to be creative, work harder/smarter, have an open mind and be willing to take chances.
So with so many tools available to the consumer to block your Marketing efforts (ie: Tivo for TV ad, ad blocker for online advertising and pop-ups, caller id for telemarketing, etc.) how do you get your message to the consumer? The simplest answer is you have to be there, and be at the top of the list, when they come looking for you. An example of this is when you do a Google search.
Many students already use MySpace for social networking to keep in touch with friends. Fewer in the room actually had a blog. Today, they saw examples of how to use both to Go To Market. You can visit David’s blog here.
We hope the Marketing Class got some good ideas and will use them to start on their next project which is to create and market a new company. Ms. Gingras has a list of requirements which are sure to give a realistic view of real-live-marketing.
We want to thank Ms. Gingras for the opportunity to visit with her class, the students for their attention, and Nashua High North’s tech team for getting the computers set up for our presentation. We wish you all a lot of luck in your careers – remember no matter where you go, or what you do – marketing will always be a part of it.
(Thanks for the shirts! We will wear them proudly.)