Well, this is the time of year when the colour gurus at Pantone unleash their colour of the year for the new year.
For 2015 they have chosen Marsala, Pantone 18-1438.
The reports over the Internet are that this year, Pantone has come up with a colour that’s a bit of a dud. Pantone refers to the colour as an earthy red wine – people on the social media sites seem to have other ideas, many not very flattering.
The Pantone site obviously has lots of info on the newly anointed colour – check it out.

I find the photos a little creepy looking, reminds me of when I used to use the LucisArt Photoshop plugin to get a similar effect.
Personally, if I was going to choose a red wine type colour as my Colour of the Year, I’d go with the burgundy used on our ID Technology polo shirts. Now there’s a colour for you!
Want to read an entertaining review of Pantone’s choice? Your in luck; there’s some good reading over at The Atlantic’s site.
What do you think? Do you agree with Pantone that 18-1438 is a good choice for 2015, or are you in the “it’s a bit yucky” camp?
Oh, LucisArt is still one of my favorite plugins.
If all this Colour of 2015 news has made you want to print some Marsala toned labels (and why wouldn’t it?) may, I suggest our Memjet powered VP700 colour label printer?