Can UID Labeling really be this fun? Harry and John are enjoying the show. So did a lot of people who made it to the Boston Convention Center.
The show is in full swing and reports say there are even more people coming through than yesterday. Our wonderful New England weather may have something to do with this…or David’s been all over Twitter getting folks to come to the show.
For those who stopped by to see us, THANK YOU. We will be in touch with you to help with your specific labeling requirements. If you need immediate assistance, or were unable to attend the show, please call 1-800-325-5260. Mention you were at the show. We will happy to help you.
Perhaps mark your calendars and come see us at Eastec, a three-day show specifically for manufacturers, hosted by Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) May 19th – 21st in Springfield, MA.
Be sure to stop by Labeling News for more on the conclusion of these shows.