Are you still using LabelView 8?
If you are, you need to start thinking about how to future-proof your software.
Teklynx recently introduced the latest version of this software, LabelView 10 and as a result upgrades from version 8 will no longer be available after September 30th 2012.
Of course your LabelView 8 is not going to suddenly stop working, but as new and better feature features are included in the updated version, upgrading now might be a good idea.
Don’t want to upgrade to LV10 at this point? It would be a good idea to make sure you are using the latest release of LabelView 8, version 8.6. This is compatible with Windows 7 so you’ll be able to use it if you are updating your computers from XP. If you have an earlier V8, get the upgrade to 8.6. This is a paid upgrade, but it will get you to the supported LV8 and you’ll also get a Maintenance Agreement that will provide you with a complimentary upgrade to LV10 when you are ready.
It is also worth noting that Teklynx only provides free technical support to customers with a valid SMA in place. It is not possible to purchase an SMA for other 8.x versions of LabelView – you need to update to 8.6 (or LV10) first.
Confused? Yes, I was as well and had to talk to Teklynx Customer Service to get my head around these options.
If you are a LabelView 8 user, feel free to contact me at 603-598-1553 and we will be happy to help you come up with the best way to protect your software investment.