Many of our customers have packaging lines in wet environments and face the difficulties of finding a printer applicator that can withstand the wetness and washdowns associated with meat or food packaging. ID Technology has several great solutions for harsh environment labeling and our portfolio is always growing.
We recently came up with a new simple solution for this labeling application. Our 252DCT is a minimalist design that removes the electronic module (a possible point of failure) completely from the printer applicator. Intended for leading-edge corner wrap labeling, the applicator needs no external controls to operate; the only input is the product sensor.
The unique shape of the 252DCT’s faceplate allows the applicator module to be positioned right at the outfeed of the belts on a case taper (where the case is still under positive control), making the system ideal for use with a Bel 150 (or Bel 252) pressure sensitive case taper from Wexxar/BEL.
To keep the electrical connections dry, we placed them inside a sealed steel box that is mounted under the faceplate. A sealed cover protects the underside of the print engine during washdown. The operators cover the print engine during washdown for a labeling system that can handle the abuse of their environment.
This design works well for simple leading edge corner-wrap labeling with no system status outputs. For applications in which applicator control is needed (such as tamp applicators) or when you need more integration, we have a similar design based on the 255. In this design, both the electronic module and HMI are mounted remotely from the label applicator machine.
Our systems design and integration capabilities offer you innovative solutions to your complex issues, and our range of harsh environment labeling systems is unlike any others.
Model 455 Label Printer Applicator
Our Model 455 is a high-speed printer applicator with a stainless steel enclosure for the harshest of conditions. The Model 455 is built on the Model 252 platform and mounted on a sealed stainless steel base cabinet that has slide-out mountings to give easy access to the electronics and pneumatic control.
Model 252E Label Printer Applicator
ID Technology has engineering and developed a specialized Model 252E label printer applicator for use in harsh environments. You no longer need to use a separate enclosure to protect the printer applicator, since the enclosure and applicator are one. All machine components and modules are mounted on a unique faceplate and the stainless steel enclosure is wrapped around the faceplate.
Auto Redundancy for Harsh Environment Label Applications
We have also designed an auto-redundant and rugged label printer applicator for washdown conditions. This system has two label printer applicators; when one labeling head is off-line for label and ribbon replacement, the second head is triggered for immediate operation. Zero downtime for your production line!
No matter what your labeling circumstances are, of how difficult your environment, ID Technology can design and install a labeling system to meet your needs. If you’d like to improve the efficiency of your own packaging lines, we’d love to help you. To get started, contact us today at 888-438-3242 Option#3 or you can contact David Holliday at We’ll get you in touch with one of our ID Technology specialists right in your area.