The US Government is under pressure to reduce spending without sacrificing our military forces. One of the first areas for improvement was inventory control. The US Government now requires anyone who ships product to the Department of Defense to comply with strict mandates for labeling pallets, cartons and products to enhance the accuracy and rapid response capabilities of our military.

What does that all mean for you?
If you or your customer supply goods to the Department of Defense, you will need to comply with MIL-STD-130 unit identification labeling which may include UID, or MIL-STD-129 pallet and carton labeling which may include RFID. Depending on the terms of the original contract, you may need to comply with both.
Here are 3 Reasons to Attend Our DoD Labeling Seminar
- You have to comply-it’s in your Contract.
In a few hours you will learn what you need to know to be in compliance AND know you are in compliance. This includes getting the right labels, right data, and right format to meet all the requirements of MIL-STD-130 and UID, MIL-STD-129 and RFID.
You don’t have to comply – YET! Your customers may hold Defense Contracts with MIL-STD-130, UID, MIL-STD-129, RFID requirements. As subcontractors, this may mean YOU have to provide labels that comply. - Automate the transmission of the required data to the DoD via the WAWF
Learn how this software solution that fully integrates RFID, UID, WAWF and the UID Registry can help you unify the UID and RFID workflow process into your existing business processes for added efficiency.
Overwhelmed with mounds of data? Are you having trouble tracking the data associated with nested containers? Are you paying electronic transmission fees? You’ll be amazed at just how easy it can be and save on costs. - Need to do more than comply? Go beyond the DoD compliance
The same principles of barcoding and labeling you use to comply with DoD mandates can be used to increase productivity and efficiency in your everyday business, too. Come see how asset tracking, traceability, mobile printing of labels and data capture at the point of activity can all be used to increase productivity. See how small changes to your labeling process can mean big differences.
Can 3 hours make a difference in your DoD Labeling Compliance? Here are a few things people who attended our DoD Labeling Seminar had to say:
“I learned a lot in a very short period of time.”
“The information was good and it was presented in a way that made it easy to understand.”
“I was happy to learn better ways of dealing with the data transmission part of DoD compliance.”
Deadlines are being enforced, and regulation details are numerous. Mandates are changing; making it difficult for some to comply and others to know when they are truly in compliance. Those who are not ready or are found to be non-compliant face the possibility of incurring high penalties, delayed shipments and loss of contract business.
Know your options, how to get in compliance quickly and easily and be sure your business is protected. Winco ID and our partners offer a resource of compliance solutions. To help you get started and prepare for our seminar, our ebooks will help you get started. Download our MIL-STD-130 eBook and a copy of our MIL-STD-129 eBook.
Attend our seminar on October 20, 2011 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Learn what you need to know to comply with Military Labeling Standards and make the right choices for your success.
Learn more about the seminar here or register on line here.
Our seminar is free but preregistration is required.
If you are unable to attend, or need to comply now, please call Winco ID at 603-598-1553.