When you think of lasers, do you think of expensive and dangerous equipment that is too complicated to use? You should think again. Lasers have become main stream in so many production lines because of their reliability and user-friendly features.
Our iCON CO2 laser, for example, is a compact and easy-to-use system with simple connectivity that allows easy integration onto any production line. The iCON laser has been specifically designed for small character coding applications in packaged goods and industrial products where it offers users an affordable laser alternative to inkjet. Now you too can realize the benefits of laser marking:
- Permanent codes at high speeds
- No consumables and low maintenance
- Small, compact unit
- Integrated touchscreen interface
- Static or dynamic printing
- Dot Matrix and Vector Fonts
- Air cooled
- Powerful WYSIWYG software

The iCON is small and compact so that it is easy to install in even the most confined production locations. Proven, high performance optics, powerful hardware and advanced, low overhead software enables the iCON laser to meet the speeds of most production lines. iCON is available in both 10W and 30W versions.
So think about an iCON and the benefits it can bring to your production line.
ID Technology’s Macsa laser coding and marking line is the most comprehensive on the market. Our product line includes the cost effect iCON unit and a full compliment of CO2, YAG and Fiber YAG devices.
Want to learn more? Contact ID Technology at 817-626-7779 or use the ContactForm on this site.