Your barcode data collection system is usually comprised of several components including but not limited to wireless mobile computers, cordless barcode scanners, label printers, and connection devices such as routers, cables, and wireless access points.

So it may seem sensible to look at one, several or all the components as the culprit when you notice strange things happening or equipment failures. After all, the system was checked and tested prior to installation and going live, right?
In an industrial environment, electrical interference may be causing these symptoms and these can lead to bigger problems, such as system shut downs. These problems can be avoided.
Dr. Peter Green, of Bellhawk Systems Corporation, has written a white paper entitled “Preventing Electrical Interference Problems in Industrial Barcode Data Collection Systems.”
Often users blame the software or the equipment as being intermittently defective when, in fact, the real cause is often electrical interference. In this paper, we identify possible causes of interference, their symptoms, and remedies to prevent the problems.”
Dr. Peter Green
BellHawk Systems Corporation
A copy of the white paper can be downloaded from BellHawk Systems Corporation’s website. You’ll need to sign on to download it, but it’s only a few questions.
WincoID and BellHawk Systems Corporation have partnered to bring you unparalleled solutions for your label, barcoding, and tracking needs. Call us at WincoID if you have questions or would like help with your barcode applications.