If you currently run high volume label printing jobs, you are probably well aware of the time spent on changing rolls of labels every so many labels, or keeping track of inventory. Do you ever find those labels have been damaged by light, dust, or handling? How about how many labels are wasted during roll changes and set up? This raises your labeling costs and affects your productivity each time a label run is interupted.
Introducing SupeRollâ„¢ – a revolutionary labeling product that combines the capacity of multiple rolls of labels into one, larger volume, self-dispensing roll. This innovative approach to label packaging saves time loading and reloading your thermal printers and virtually elimates waste due to roll changes in production. These labels are protected from damage in the self-contained carton. And SupeRoll makes it easier to control your inventory counts and identify the different labels.
SupeRoll is currently available in a variety of die cut 4″ -wide paper label stock with various adhesives (permanent and specialty) and a choice of thermal transfer or direct thermal. Need a custom label, preprinted, or your application requires additional features? Please call our Customer Service at 603-598-1553.
For a list of stock sizes and detailed packaging information, visit us online.