LSI by ID Technology is all about helping you get the most from your investment in our labeling equipment.
Take our Model 301 for example. The 301 is a simple, robust semi-automatic labeling machine for round containers. It is built around ID Technology’s well proven ST1000 labeling head and is perfect for businesses needing high-quality labeling for lower volume products.
The Model 301 is simple to use. The operator places the container to be labeled in the rollers and uses the foot switch to initiate the labeling sequence. The container is removed after labeling, ready for the next one. Changing from one size to another takes just a couple of minutes.
Here’s a video of the 301 in action:
Of course, as your business grows, you might need to be able to label your products at a faster rate and to increase the efficiency of your packaging operations.
The 301 labeling system is designed to be able to grow with you – allowing you to upgrade to fully automatic labeling with minimal cost and disruption.
How? Since the ST1000 labeling head is also the heart of our Model 1500i automatic labeling system, you can order the product handling and controls of the 1500i and use your existing labeling head.

An easy upgrade to allow your labeling to keep up with your business!
With six label printing plants, ID Technology is your local label supplier with national coverage. We provide a complimentary lifetime equipment warranty for customers that use both our labels and labeling equipment – another ID Technology value.
How can we help you maximize your labeling equipment investment? Contact us today – 888-438-3242 Option#3 or you can contact me directly at We’ll get you in touch with one of our ID Technology specialists right in your area.