Are you visiting the WestPack show in early February? Macsa ID is well known as being an innovator in the laser coding and marking business, even since launching the industries first dynamic laser system back in 1990. since then, Macsa has developed the widest range of CO2, YAG and Fiber YAG laser available today.

At WestPack booth 5225, ID Technology (the exclusive distributor of Macsa lasers in North America) will be introducing the next generation of laser system, Macsa’s SPA (Scaleable Product Architecture) product line.
SPA is the first modular laser system – providing opportunities to build you the exact laser for you application, that can also adapt as your needs change.
With a long list of exciting enhancements (electronics, software, environmental protection and cooling are all refined as part of the SPA solution), this is a new laser system that redefines laser coding and marking.
Be sure to come and see this new laser system at Booth 5225 at WestPack so you can see the advances for yourself.
Not going to the show? No problem – just contact us today – 888-438-3242 Option#3 or you can contact me directly at and we’ll get you in touch with one of our specialists, right in your area!