YAG and fiber lasers can provide a really effective means of marking items in a wide range of industries.
When using these devices in semi-automatic applications, there are a number of critical factors that need to be taken into account:
- Safety is the most important. Because the frequency of the light emitted by YAG and fiber lasers can be harmful to our eyes, it is vitally important that the lasers are correctly shielded to protect the operators and anyone else in the area.
- Mounting the Product Accurately. It is important that the products to be marked are presented to the laser in a consistent manner so that the finished mark is always in exactly the correct position.
- Handling Mark Data. Regardless of whether the marking is very simple or more involved (with barcodes and graphics) it is important that a simple way to handle all the print data is available.
- Compact Size. Space is usually at a premium in manufacturing environments so any laser marking solution needs to use as little as possible.
- Choice of Laser Type. Laser marking is not a “one size fits all” thing. It is important that your laser mark solution allows for a choice of laser type or power output to ensure that it is matched to your application.
For industrial marking applications, our iLaserBox laser marking workstation meets all of these requirements.

Developed by our partner, Macsa ID, the iLaserBox is designed to be a simple plug and play solution that is Class 1 (safe under all conditions) compliant.
iLaserBox is designed to be compact so you can use it in just about any work area. It is also self contained – purchase one with one of our Macsa lasers and there is nothing else that you need to buy – everything is included.
The on-board Linux PC means you don’t need to have an external computer to manage your laser marking. MarcaLite design software is pre-installed as you’d expect, ready to get you started.
The system also comes with Ethernet LAN access so you can network the iLaserBox without needing to buy additional equipment.
iLaserBox comes with a heavy duty location table to enable the product to be marked to be accurately located. The precision machined tee-slots allow jigs or fixtures to be mounted to hold the product in just the right position.
Two versions of iLaserBox are available in order to accommodate any of the Macsa laser systems – we’ll help you determine which is the optimum solution for your application.
For just about every industrial marking application there is an ID Technology/Macsa solution. Whether you need to mark metal items, electronics or printed circuit boards, medical devices, jewelry or a host of other items, we can help. We specialize in FDA UDI and Department of Defense MIL-STD-130 UID marking.
Want to get started? Give me a call at 603-598-1553 x237 and I’ll get you in touch with an ID Technology specialist right in your area!