Kim is the plant admin manager at EPI. She has been with the company for 12 years. She joined the team because her previous employer filed for bankruptcy, and she needed employment. She said, “Luckily, I was able to come on board with EPI and I have never looked back.

Kim’s primary job functions are purchasing and RMA coordination and processing, but she does a little of everything. While Kim has day-to-day taskes to do/monitor, one day is never the same as the next. Last minute things pop up that she has to address and problems need to be solved. She said, “It can be frustrating but at the same time it keeps her hopping and it’s never boring.”
Kim’s job at EPI requires her to be organized, good under pressure, and have a sense of humor.
Fun facts about Kim; she is good with power tools and loves a shopping trip to the hardware store to check out the latest gizmos and gadets. When asked what her spirit animal would be Kim said, “A Sloth, because as I get older, they move at the perfect speed to keep me from hurting myself. Plus, they are so chill.”
To learn more about EPI’s labeling equipment, check out or connect with Kim on LinkedIn.