Over the last few years, the craft brewing business has been a great success story, with new breweries opening every week and the quality level of craft beer getting better all the time. One of the current trends in craft brewing is the move towards cans as an alternative to bottles – many new craft brewers are moving straight to cans and never packing their products in bottles.

If you’ve bought cans of craft beer in four or six packs, you’ve probably gotten frustrated trying to free the cans from the hard plastic membrane that is often used to hold them together – I know I have!
Our friends at Roberts PolyPro have invented a better solution to hold the cans together and make them easier to transport and use.
The new craft beer handle from Roberts can hold two, four or six cans and is easy to assemble on the packing line and easy for the consumer to separate the cans at the time of use.
For small breweries, the handles can be applied by hand and when production increases, this job can be taken over by a Roberts PloyPro applicator.
The new handles are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) handles and are 100 percent recyclable. They use 30% less plastics than the membrane handles that are currently in use.
For me personally, the big thing is that the new handles hold the cans very securely, but are easy to remove – without having to fight the cans to free them.
If you are part of the craft brewing business, you should also take a look at ID Technology’s range of labeling and coding products and Axon’s shrink sleeve applicators that are ideal for your industry. We have solutions for all brewers, from the smallest to the giant multi-nations.
How can we help your craft brewing and packaging operation? Contact us today – 888-438-3242 Option#3 or you can contact me directly at dholliday@idtechnology.com. We’ll get you in touch with one of our specialists right in your area.