When you decide it’s time to trade in your bar code printer or buy a new one, be sure you take a closer look at the warranty coverage.

If you have purchased a particular brand of printers in the past, you will want to check to see if the warranty coverage has changed. For example, the Datamax/O’Neil line of printers is now a one-year coverage instead of two or three, depending on the model, as in previous years. And they are not the only manufacturer making changes.
For you, the consumer, the time to know this is at point-of-purchase and not when a mission critical printer fails. Many of these industrial printers are integral parts on your production lines and mobile printers keep your workforce connected. When one goes down, your production lines slow and even halt completely until repairs or adjustments are made.
That is not the time to find out that your warranty from the manufacturer:
- only covers defective manufacturer parts or you have to pay.
- only includes depot service – meaning you have to pack up your printer, ship it back and wait.
- includes outsourced service which may not be factory-trained and certified technicians and parts.
When your service coverage needs include onsite service, fast and accurate repairs, one vendor to simplify billing and ensure across-the-board coverage, then looking outside the manufacturer’s warranty may be your best protection – even for the very first year.
On Site coverage can provide support and even repairs in a matter of hours, not days, without the hassle and costs of packing and shipping.
Factory-trained and authorized technicians are trained to identify problems and make the necessary repairs, adjustments and use genuine manufacturer parts to get you back in production faster.
VARs (Value Added Resellers) often offer more customized service plans with the greatest flexibility to include the service coverage you need and across various manufacturers for volume discounts.
Working with one vendor for all your barcode equipment will simplify your budgeting, and knowing who to call for printers, barcode scanners, inline print and apply, mobile computers, mobile printers and more.
Before you leave this post, be sure to catch Printer Service – How Do You Choose? If you are purchasing a new printer or would like to compare your service, please give use a call at 800.325.5260 or 603.598.1553. See Winco ID’s Service online – on site coverage, customized (not custom) plans available, full-line of barcode equipment covered, factory-trained and authorized repairs.
Who do you use for your service team? Do you use depot or onsite service for your barcode equipment? Should you be looking at a service plan for your existing or new barcode printers?