Watching the Summer Olympics has been an inspiring experience. The olympians display such passion and determination throughout the events. I’ve also been enjoying the talents and innovation all around the games.
Being in the barcode industry and a huge fan of chocolate, the Cadbury House captured my attention as well as the attention of thousands of attendees and Facebook fans. So what’s the connection?
“The candy company is using a UHF solution from Dwinq at Cadbury House, its temporary exhibit in London’s Hyde Park, to allow visitors to share pictures with their Facebook friends.” reports Claire Swedberg at the RFID-Journal. Click here to read the full story and details on RFID-enabled social-media sharing.
The Cadbury HouseĀ a great example of how RFID is being used to seamlessly enable people to share experiences as they happen without taking away from enjoying the moment.
Off to get some Cadbury chocolate! Be sure to check us out on Facebook when you’re there.